SP9EX1 and SC9EX1 problem reports
Uploading a problem report is a quick way of notifying Bartec EM about any issue you encounter when using your Phone or Cam. The problem reports can be created also when the device is offline. They will then be uploaded as soon as the device is online again, or transferred from the device to a PC via USB
Method 1: Start the problem reporter from the Android settings
- Open the Android Settings
- Go to About phone
- Click Send feedback about this device
- Enter the problem description, and click Upload. Creating the problem report can take a few minutes.
Method 2: Using the device buttons
- Simultaneously press the left action button and the volume down button
- Once the bug reporter has been opened, followed the steps described above
Configuration options
In some cases, it can be useful to make configuration changes to the problem reporter
- Click on the three dots in the upper right corner to open the settings menu
- In the settings menu, you can enable extended modem logging, and you can also select to transfer problem reports to the device's internal storage. This is needed if the phone itself can not be connected to the internet.
- Further logging can be enabled by clicking on BARTEC Device Analytics.
Uploading a bugreport when the device can not be connected to the internet
- Create a bug report as described above
- Open the bug reporter again, and open the settings, as described above. Then click Move bug reports to internal storage once it has been done.
- Connect your device to a PC via USB, make sure USB file transfer has been enabled, and find the bug report(s) in the Bug reports folder